Monday 11 January 2010

Interview - Tricorn - Southsea Fest 09

Tricorn seemed something special. Despite being a small band, they've recorded professionally (abroad), and were working extremely hard at gigging and spreading the word about their album. Maybe a bit too much - a large amount had to be edited out after 'What other bands are you looking forward to seeing? was answered with a ten minute spiel about their album...

Previously published on in September 2009
Words - Suzy Sims
Editor - Rob Ball


mINtSOUTH: Tell me a bit about yourselves.
Constantine: “I came to the UK to study 11 years ago. I’ve always been into bands but as a student I was busy with uni so I kept it as a hobby. I decided to give it a shot with music and see where it’s going.”
Simon: “We met randomly, we started talking about music and thought let’s have a jam together and it just worked out from there.”
Constantine: “We always had a thing about changing bassists until we got the right one. When we had to record the album our bassist quit a week before we were going to Greece to record it, he had booked his flight and he just quit! We had to play gigs there that were booked and we had to get our guitarist Billy to play the bass, but now we’re sorted.”

mINtSOUTH: Southsea Fest – are you looking forward to your gig?
Simon: "We’re really looking forward to playing Southsea Fest, especially now that we’re headlining as well, we’re going to be playing the Deco. It’s good as well that Southsea is doing something for the city. There wasn’t much going on before, and over the years it’s changed; they’re doing more festivals, more events, more bands playing, which is great.”
Constantine: “This year we saw the names of all the bands, and how many people are going and how well organised... it is really, really good.”
Simon: “Yeah it’s brilliant. We’re absolutely loving it.”

mINtSOUTH: Any bands you’re looking forward to seeing?
Constantine: “Dragon Eye Morrison are an amazing band, and Belligerence, they’re playing the Deco with us. We’re all into rock and bands from the early Nineties, so we would like even more when we meet cool people from bands that they also play cool music that we like.”

mINtSOUTH: Gorilla versus bear – who would win in a fight?
Constantine: “The thing is both of them could chase you. They can climb trees so you can’t get away.”
Simon: “Gorillas are quicker though, and stronger.”
Constantine: “I would say bear.”

mINtSOUTH: How did you choose the name of your band?
Constantine: “We chose a name that means Portsmouth but in a different way, and we chose Tricorn, the concrete building which was in the way of the Brutalist movement. I still disagree that they brought it down. They could have done so much stuff with it.”
Simon: “It would have been good to record a clip in there… the Tricorn in the Tricorn.”
Constantine: “So many people have fond memories about it. They really enjoyed it while it was still up there.”

Shoutbox –
Simon: “We have just released our debut album. It’s a self titled album, we are really looking forward for people to have a listen to it. Hopefully we will try to book some dates for touring in February to go round Europe again and play a few dates in Greece, maybe Spain, Germany and a few other places as well, but we’re working out on that at the moment.”


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